Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How tourists can help stop child sex trafficking

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 10:15 PM PDT

child sex trafficking

When U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Harry Thomas said last week that 40 percent of foreign men who visited the Philippines were sex tourists, local authorities were quick to play down the issue, arguing the statistic was unsubstantiated.

While the veracity of the figure may be in question, there is no disputing that sex trafficking remains a pressing issue worldwide.

Read all about The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery.

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Posted: 27 Sep 2011 05:00 PM PDT


我们总结了首尔地铁一些最酷的站点及路线。 如果你恰巧走到这些地铁站附近,可以争取把"愤怒的小鸟"先放一放,到那边厢去逛一逛。

1. 合井站到堂山站: 2号线



如果窗口景色飞驰得太快,让你应接不暇,就在堂山站(9号线和2号线)下车,从3号出口出站, 一条步行道会直通汉江市民公园。 汉江大桥可是个悠闲漫步赏风景的好地方。

2. 绿莎坪站: 6号线

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Gujju's festival guide to Navaratri 2011 in Mumbai

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 02:58 PM PDT

Navaratri 2011

Right after the marathon Ganesh festival, Mumbai bounces into another nine days of religious revelry called Navaratri, starting on September 28.

Led by the thriving Gujarati or "Gujju" community with the rest in tow, Mumbai stocks up on cash to spend and calories to burn at this danceathon that has defined the rules of community celebration in India.

To the uninitiated, Navaratri could well pass off as speed dating meets dancing.

Never mind unverified reports of condom sales hitting peak during this time  -- the clacking of dandiya dance sticks might as well be a mating call.

On Navaratri everyone has their own agenda.

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8 China travel tips from a professional fixer

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 02:57 PM PDT

In 15 years of shooting and producing films in China, Noah Weinzweig has traveled throughout the country and gained access to some of its most restricted locations.

As founder of Teneighty, a production-services company, the 39-year-old Canadian helps foreign filmmakers navigate China's tricky terrain -- scouting locations, obtaining permits and pulling guanxi for the likes of George Lucas and photographer Edward Burtynsky.

So how does this rogue traveler manage to get the impossible done? By following these simple tips.

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Single females mean big bucks to Japan tourism

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 02:55 PM PDT

Solo female traveler

If proof were ever needed that women in traditionally conservative Japan are striking out more on their own, then look no further than a new survey showing that increasing numbers of female travelers are choosing to hit the road solo and travel alone.

The finding comes courtesy of something called the Jalan Research Center, a part of the Recruit-owned hotel-booking website, which specializes in domestic travel in both English and Japanese.

Younger, too

It reckons 9.8 percent of women traveling inside Japan in 2010 did so alone -- that's up from just over 8 percent five years earlier.

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Melbourne's 7 funkiest laneways

Posted: 27 Sep 2011 12:58 PM PDT

Melbourne is a planned city, with an unplanned offshoot that makes it as fun, funky and fashionable: its laneway culture.

Robert Hoddle designed the city center in 1837 as a grid, with streets wide enough to cater for the ox-team carts of the day. This made for large blocks, resulting in the evolution of narrow laneways as access points for businesses -- and the tradesmen and delivery men who served them.

These days, it makes for cool and quirky alcoves to hang out. Whether it's food, drink, coffee, art, shopping, music or dancing, there's something for you -- as long as you know where to go.

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