Tuesday, September 20, 2011




Posted: 20 Sep 2011 03:35 AM PDT

Hong Kong Twangoo

Posted: 20 Sep 2011 03:34 AM PDT

Gallery: 9 new geoparks endorsed by UNESCO

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 11:10 PM PDT

Excuse us while we gush over the mineral marvels pictured above, taken at the nine geologically important sites that have been added to the Global Network of National Geoparks over the weekend.

The Global Network of National Geoparks is a UNESCO-backed list set up in 2004 to promote better management of the world's geological heritage. With the new additions, the network now has 87 sites from 27 countries.

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World’s 50 best beach bars

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 10:28 PM PDT

Anyone can stick up a shack on the sand, stock it with beers and call it a beach bar.

But what makes a great beach bar?

It could be the sand-in-your-toes factor, or the washing and hissing of the waves nearby, or the sunsets or the people you meet.

But the truth is there's no formula, no magic ingredients that will guarantee a place in a list of the world's best beach bars. 

We've included spots that range from the chic and the elite with smooth lines and mesmerizing cocktail waiters, to the haphazard, thrown-together shacks constructed from scavenged driftwood.

The only thing these places have in common is that once you've been, you inevitably start planning to get back there someday, somehow.

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Top Bangkok temples, best Seoul tapas, Singapore's F1 parties

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 08:39 PM PDT

Newsletter Date: 
20 September 2011
Newsletter Contents

The 10 best parties of the Singapore F1 2011

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 08:00 PM PDT

So many parties, and way too few days … we cut to the chase on where to be, and when, and clue you on who you'll be dancing and drinking with.

1. Amber Lounge

This is the party everyone wants in on -- free would be preferred, but if not, consider shelling out 500 euros (S$860) for the privilege of partying with models, moguls, and drivers.

The Amber Lounge Fashion show takes the spotlight on September 24 with local designer Frederick Lee's couture collection specially created for the evening.

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Posted: 19 Sep 2011 05:00 PM PDT




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iPhone photos like you've never seen

Posted: 19 Sep 2011 03:00 PM PDT

Hong Kong journalist Liam Fitzpatrick shot a bunch of photos on his iPhone and fiddled around with them using photo apps.

The results are breathtaking. Lush panoramas of the city, sweeping takes on Victoria Harbour, dramatic shots of Hong Kong skies are currently on display in Fitzpatrick's first iPhone photography exhibition titled "Kinky Vicious."

The images defy expectations of the iPhone's tiny camera -- in Fitzpatrick's case, the iPhone 3GS three-megapixel camera -- typically more suited for close-range shots of people or that universally preferred subject, food.

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