Tuesday, August 9, 2011



Australia's best place to visit

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 02:28 AM PDT

The locals don't go around shouting "g'day" to visitors, there are no fine dining restaurants and the houses are mostly brick and weatherboard.

So why is Yamba -- a former fishing village set at the mouth of the Clarence River some 200 kilometers south of the Queensland border -- considered one of Australia's top tourist destinations?

Until two years ago, Yamba's only claim to fame was the right-hand surf break at nearby Angourie –- home to 1966 world surfing champion Nat Young and the set of the cult 1970s surf film, "Morning of the Earth". 

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Gallery: ‘Aquatecture’ and a sinking city

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 01:25 AM PDT

With Bangkok warned to brace for rising water levels on the Chao Phraya River as floods continue to batter northern Thailand, the vision of Thai architecture firm S+PBA couldn't be more timely.

Called "A Post Diluvian Future," the above series of futuristic designs were created in response to a recent United Nations study that predicted much of Bangkok will have to be abandoned by the middle of the century due to rising sea levels.

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Healthy Thai food, same-sex couples register, China's new replica

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 01:03 AM PDT

Healthy Thai food,same-sex couples register, China's new replica

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 01:03 AM PDT

On your bike: Exploring Tokyo on two wheels

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 12:58 AM PDT

Large Hero2 Image: 

China’s most ambitious replica: Manhattan

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 07:31 PM PDT

china's manhattan

Developers in Guangdong province might be constructing an entire historic Austrian town in Huizhou, but up north, city officials in Tianjin (天津市) are going one further: they're building a bigger and better Manhattan.

And on current planning, it will be the "largest single financial center in the world," reported The Atlantic.

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Oz MasterChef talks, yoga for dogs, healthy Thai eats

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 07:25 PM PDT


Posted: 08 Aug 2011 05:00 PM PDT

梅勒妮·汉姆(Melanie Ham)想要整修一下她那间建于1937年的老弄堂房,还它原来的装饰艺术风格的富丽堂皇,就连门把手这样的细节处也不放过。


"中国的所有老式门把手都是假的。"汉姆说, "我费尽周折才意识到这点。 我买了一个门把手,是用水泥做的,表面还有假的铜绿。"

还不仅仅是这样。 虽然她那装饰艺术风格的房子现在看起来是完全翻新过了,吊灯不知道是从东台路哪里淘来的,老式厨房的瓷砖是在宜山路新买的,而楼梯的栏杆是在2007年左右定制的。

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不過是一份工: 8 種澳洲戶外工作

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 04:41 PM PDT


世界各地小孩的「我的志願」,不外乎消防員、警察、美髮師或老師。 又或是要當蓋茨夫婦、李嘉誠先生。


熱愛戶外與喜歡挑戰造就了澳洲快樂的「辦公室」環境。 在這片國土上,生活不僅等於只有涼著冷氣的辦公室工作。

這些職位雖然須要花點功夫才能做到最好,可是基本上任何人,不論本地人還是遊客均可嘗試。 畢竟就這麼一份工作而已。

1. 工業潛水員

Simon Guthrie 跟其他潛水員常在悉尼港等不少澳洲著名水域探險。

「我們主要的工作是鋪設海底光纖及電纜。」Guthrie 說。 「起重、維修、焊接、上螺栓等別人在地面做的重型工程,我們都在水底進行。」

普遍公司最常遇到的只是員工重複勞損的問題,而 Diving Co. NSW 所面對的可謂有過之而無不及。


「這份工作十分消耗體力,稍一分心,隨時身陷險境,無法保命。 若然行動出錯,潛水員很容易遇溺身亡。」


「生物在海底生長的形態,讓我覺得大自然十分誘人。」 Guthrie 說。 「看它們在水裡擺動的姿態, 便知道這裡完全是另一個世界。」

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Dog yoga and other Hong Kong pooch pampering

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 03:00 PM PDT

Unwelcome in our parks, banned from apartment blocks and with owners who spend too much time in the office, living in Hong Kong can be a dog's life for man's best friend.

"Without a doubt the biggest problem facing dogs and dog owners in Hong Kong is the lack of acceptance of dogs by the Hong Kong Government, which results in many private residential complexes banning the keeping of dogs and all public housing having a strict no pet policy," says Sally Anderson, Founder of Hong Kong Dog Rescue.

"There are very few places where dogs can be walked, and many therefore spend their entire lives never leaving their homes,"

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