Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The great century egg debate

Posted: 06 Jul 2011 05:43 AM PDT


In June, CNNGo published the following article, which featured the opinions from various 'iReporters' on some of their most challenging dining experiences. 'iReporters' are part of CNN's global audience who submit their own reactions to assignments that we suggest.

iReport: The most 'revolting' food i have had is...

Each choice of food mentioned in the article was provided by one of these global iReporters and as such represented their opinion on that particular dish or food item. There were several submissions to this assignment.

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Get a room: No more groping in Seoul's taxis

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 11:45 PM PDT

Amorous couples who allow their passions to run away with them in Seoul cabs should beware -- they might end up on an Internet porn channel.

Video-recording "black boxes," originally meant to be installed on the exteriors of vehicles to record accidents and determine culpability, are now being installed in the interiors of taxis in Korea.

Cab drivers say that this is a useful measure in curbing the "rowdy behavior" of passengers in the back seat.

"When I tell disorderly passengers they are being recorded, they quiet down immediately," one female cab driver told Chosun Ilbo

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7 high-end Australian souvenirs

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 09:58 PM PDT

Shopping can be like a seventh-sense. You can sleep it and dream it -- and before you know it, you are walking in the front door loaded up with shopping bags.

It can be tricky in Australia. With the Australian dollar soaring to record highs, it's fast becoming a very expensive exercise. New taxes are on the way and the retail industry is experiencing a slump.

But forget all that. It's also fun to dream and be indulgent. Whatever you want, chances are you can find it here.

Imagine having seven blank checks to buy whatever you want. So the shopping challenge is on -- a luxurious crusade to buy seven souvenirs that can fit into a (large) suitcase. 

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Best Mumbai shops for travelers

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 09:58 PM PDT

Everyone's looking for the same things from Mumbai shops: scarves, sandals, spiritual enlightenment. But no one wants to head home looking like every other Om-stamped chump who set foot on the subcontinent.

The merchandise in these 10 exemplary stores and markets makes it hard to decide what to gift and what to keep for yourself. Don't worry, locals have the same problem.

Bombay Electric: Quirky pashmina scarf

You're probably looking for a scarf of the sought-after pashmina variety. They make a great gift for a guy or a girl. But you're probably also worried about agonizing over percentages of cashmere in some backroom gallery.

In Mumbai, skip the classic egg hunt and go straight for gold.

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World's best resorts, beauty on the metro, essential Mumbai buys

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 07:53 PM PDT

6 件內地人喜歡在香港做的事

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 05:02 PM PDT

自 1997 年 7 月 1 日香港回歸中國以來,即使港人不是熱烈地歡迎急劇增加的內地客和新移民,香港人對這群為本地生產總值作出重大貢獻的內地人的感覺也漸漸變得淡漠。

內地客被認為是香港最喜愛的客人,他們往往帶著空空的旅行箱和長長的購物清單來港,回去時大包小包,刷光信用卡,還有一堆新款 Gucci 、Prada 和 LV 名牌貨。




1. 搜羅「禁書」


內地人在港時必會好好把握機會: 登上 Facebook 和 Twitter ,觀看 Youtube 影片,再把在內地因內容敏感而被禁的書籍帶回家。

豆瓣網上的一個群組「香港書蟲」鼓勵用戶分享他們喜歡的電影、音樂、書籍等等。 用戶亦會張貼書目,希望其他人到港旅遊時能順道把書籍帶回內地。

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Posted: 05 Jul 2011 05:00 PM PDT






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10 resorts for every type of traveler

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 03:00 PM PDT

From hotels situated in billion-year-old landscapes to the snowiest ski resort in the world, these places prove that the resort experience is so much more than lounging by the pool with masses of other sunburned tourists.


1. Best foodie resort: Meadowood, California

Located in a private 100-hectare estate in Napa Valley, Meadowood is mostly known for its Michelin three-star restaurant simply called The Restaurant. 

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5 ridiculously beautiful places right next to the Shanghai metro

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 02:57 PM PDT

Shanghai's best-kept secrets aren't all hidden down dark corners and twisting alleyways. Some are actually highly accessible. In fact, so accessible, they're right next to a metro station.

Here are our favorite natural escapes in Shanghai that are too often overlooked -- and each reachable by metro.

More on CNNGo: 15 places to see in China that aren't the Great Wall

1. Wusonkou Paotaiwan Wetland Park (吴淞口炮台湾公园)

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Round the bend: How NOT to get a Japanese driver's license in Tokyo

Posted: 05 Jul 2011 02:55 PM PDT

There's an old Japanese proverb that assures us, "The nail that sticks up gets hammered down." And at the Futamatagawa license center in Kanagawa, I learned that nothing brings out that hammer quite like the sight of a would-be American driver eager for some validation Tokyo-style.

Thanks to some bad luck, I recently found myself at Futamatagawa to convert my U.S. driver's license into a Japanese one.

My first bit of misfortune was that my apartment juts into Kanagawa Prefecture by just a few meters -- literally. My Kanagawa address meant I couldn't go to the more lenient Tokyo license center.

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