Friday, November 25, 2011

5 outrageous buys at Top Marques Macau

Posted: 25 Nov 2011 02:04 AM PST

Top Marques Macau

The world's most luxurious and only live supercar show for the extremely wealthy takes place this week at Top Marques Macau at the Venetian Macao and will end Sunday.

Top Marques Macau is the Asian edition of Top Marques Monaco and aims to bring in buyers from the region, especially wealthy Chinese.

One of the biggest draws of Top Marques Macau is the chance to test drive some of the supercars that are showcased at the exhibition.

A 2.1-kilometer road close to the exhibition hall has been set aside for invited guests. If you don't have an invite and just want to come gawk at the cars and buyers, tickets to the show are available at MOP$380 (US$46.50) a pop.

Here are five outrageous products on display at Top Marques Macau.

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Mies Container restaurant: A tasty, trendy Hooters for women

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 08:16 PM PST

mies container

Koreans aren't exactly famous for their patience. 

In fact "palli palli" -- meaning "hurry the hell up" -- is probably one of the first phrases most foreigners come across when they get to Korea. 

So when I first heard rumors of Koreans standing in endless lines outside a new Seoul restaurant, I had to go find out why. 

'Hot Guy Paradise'

Standing in line outside Mies Container, Gangnam's hottest and perhaps most oddly named new restaurant, I couldn't help marveling. 

Around nine out of ten of the customers queuing around the building were young women in their 20s. 

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Cycling in Bangkok: Not just for the insane

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 07:58 PM PST

Biking in Bangkok

Tell someone that you plan to ride a bicycle in Bangkok and you'll likely get a horrified gasp and a barrage of questions about your sanity. 

Although it would be a stretch to call them safe, most roads in Bangkok -- save for the major ones, of course -- are surprisingly easy to bike on. 

But what most surprises people is that there are actually some great areas and fantastic paths that will let you get some exercise while you see Bangkok up close and personal. 

If you have that ol' adventurous spirit, rent a bike and head out on your own to see what you can find.

If you're  not keen to just get out onto the streets and pedal, here are several areas that are safe and popular with bicyclists. 

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Playing by ear: Blind tennis, the smash from Japan

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 05:55 PM PST

Blind tennis

For Miyoshi Takei, being blind turned out to be just a minor obstacle when it came to playing tennis. In fact, it's what impelled him to try in the first place.

"I wanted to hit a ball that was flying through space as hard as I could, even though I couldn't see it," he once said. If only there was some way he could hear it.

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The showdown: Singapore vs. Kuala Lumpur

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 02:05 PM PST

Just like all the greats -- Athens and Rome, London and New York, Paris and Berlin -- Singapore and Kuala Lumpur have had to endure a long-standing rivalry over which city does what best.

But for two capitals whose cultural similarities can sometimes outweigh their differences, finding a true winner in the great debate can prove difficult ...

Street food

Without a doubt, the longest-running and most vociferous war between the two cities has always involved food.

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Posted: 24 Nov 2011 02:00 PM PST

雖然手作工藝品在香港的市場較小,不過還是聚集許多具有熱誠的手作藝術家,以部份成功本土品牌為首,例如 Chocolate Rain。他們本身就提倡手作 (DIY) 的精神。 我們選出以下幾個在香港工藝品市場具有代表性的店鋪:

La Belle Époque

Billie Ng 去年在大坑開設了屬於自己的小型時裝店,在這之前她是一家大型廣告公司的創意總監,負責飄柔 (Rejoice) 與國泰航空等大客戶。 還好她辭掉了那份工作。

Billie 的店裡網羅了 14 個手作藝術家的作品,也迅速成為香港手作工藝的熱點。 這間店還開辦傍晚時間的手作教學坊。另外還主辦了季節性的手作工藝展覽市集。

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顶级精品: 日本传奇神户牛肉

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 02:00 PM PST


"要真正了解神户牛肉,你必须细嚼慢咽,还要欣赏肉的纹理。"511餐厅主厨道彦齐藤(Michihiko Saito)这样说道。位于赤坂的这家餐厅以神户牛肉而远近闻名。




当时,我一直对神户牛肉的传说持怀疑态度。 这辈子已经品尝过那么多精选牛排,我暗自寻思,神户牛肉唯一真正与众不同的地方恐怕就是它的价格了。

然而,只咬了一口,它就彻底颠覆了我的想法。 酥焦的表面下是奶油般细腻的质地,入口即化,满口鲜香激起一种恋爱般的幸福感。




神户牛肉堪称日本"国宝",声名远扬。 只要提起它,就会让人联想到奢靡的场面。


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35 Shanghai street foods we can't resist

Posted: 24 Nov 2011 01:57 PM PST

Living in metropolitan Shanghai, you can choose to dine in a Michelin-star restaurant on the Bund, or opt for a scavenger hunt down dark alleyways.

We love both.

But in the spirit of the real local lifestyle, we've decided to search out the most delicious and wallet-friendly street food in Shanghai.

Some of them are Shanghai-native eats, others are popular snacks from around the country.

More on CNNGo: 11 top snacking options in Shanghai

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